Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sunshine.................Psalm 119:135

I was struck by the verse... "make your face shine upon your servant and teach me your decrees". When I think about God and what it will be like to be in His presence I realize the brilliance that will be overwhelming. I guess I never thought of God's word as being "shiny" but it makes sense. He speaks to us through His word and the warmth I feel when I read the Bible sometimes is so peaceful and warm. How about you? Do you feel God's face shine upon you and how?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Time to Act.........Psalm 119:126

I just love it here that the psalmist is telling the Lord..."It is time for you to act, O Lord; your law is being broken." This is how I feel many times. Pleading with God to stop something that I see is going very wrong. What is He thinking just sitting there letting this whole situation go bad. Doesn't He see how bad this is going to turn out? I know that He can stop it. WHY is He just sitting there doing nothing!!! Frustration can turn to bitterness and anger or it can turn to see the incredible fullness of our God. I am convinced that God is in complete control of our situation and the best news is that He has our best interest in mind. Somehow I thought that after I moved out from my parents that then I could be in "control" of my life but in reality God is the only one who is really in control of anything. We just pretend that we are at times.... So when you are getting frustrated with God for not doing something you think that he should do just wait... you will see that his way is better than your way in the end...

Give me Understanding........Psalm 119:125

So many times when I am reading in the Bible it seems Greek to me. I just don't understand what God is trying to say in the verse. It seems funny that someone else can read the same verse and it means something very different and meaningful. I have also found as I do a second study on a verse or chapter of the Bible that I read and understand things that I have never seen before. This reminds me that God's word is living! It is so alive that I learn new things everytime that I read and study it. How lucky I am to have a God who has created such a wonderful book that it actually seems to change over time... (of course I know it is really ME who is changing but that is a good thing!)

Monday, July 21, 2008

My shield & My comfort...Psalm 119:114

"You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word". Once again the paslmist is talking about God's word and how it protects me from evildoers. It seems strange that "words" can protect me. In America, if we have a problem with evildoers we call "911" or get a security camera and service but in God's view there is a whole other level of protection that we have access to via God's word. Combating evil is something God has been doing for quite some time. Praying God's word is a great way to overcome evil. Remember that God has a whole legion of angels that are prepared and willing to help whenever and where ever we might be in trouble.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lamp to my Feet......

This is a verse that is very familiar to us. Many children's programs learn this verse and it is also such a great visual of how God's word is a light to help us along the way. God does not want us to stumble but wants our path to be brilliant with light so that we are very sure of the way to go... Left or right or straight. I think that God's path is always clear if we are in his word and following his lead. I know that many times I have gone off into the bushes and it is very dark out there without the light of God's word. I guess that means that being in God's word is a way to make sure that the path is lit.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Smarty Pants... Psalm 119:97-104

Have you ever been in class when someone knows all the answers to the teacher's questions? As kids we of course called them Smarty Pants but as adults we either respect their answers or we call them a know-it-all. The Psalmist is speaking about just such a person here in the text... Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, have more insight than all my teachers, and more understanding than the elders. That is huge. It is amazing how much we can learn and know about life through reading and studying the Bible. God really does want us to be full of understanding and knowledge. He has written his book and all we have to do is read it and follow it. I pray that everyone reading this would know that God's words are sweeter than honey to our mouths!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Free at Last?.............Psalm 119:89-96

Free at last? How can following God's laws actually make me free? It seems that following laws would make us more restricted and narrower in our outlook. Our country has many laws that many people complain about espeically when they have broken them and get into trouble. So how can laws set me free?

Let me know what you think...